Wednesday 9 March 2011

G321 - Script Improvement

We made improvements to our script by taking the feedback we were given from a variety of people and changed some of the lines to fit the plot. This is our new script.

Images are shown of family videos and happy memories (christmas, holidays etc). Child's laughter is played in the background to show how happy ella was with Sarah (her mother) calling out to her in a happy manner.
Park scene
Ella - (Talking over the images, of the park and her mother standing in it, as a voiceover) When I was six, My Mummy took me to the park and promised we would only go home when I wanted to. She told me it was our special day, a day for us to have lots and lots of fun. I remember her being so happy, I've never  seen her laugh as much as she did on our day. But then Daddy came and said he didn't want to push me on the swing, he made us go home even though I never said I wanted too.
Party scene
Ella - (People singing happy birthday, slowly begins to fade out and later comes to a sudden stop when Nick enters and ella as the voiceover starts speaking) That year Mummy promised me the best birthday party ever. She didn't let me down, she never did. She made the cake all by herself and was even more excited than I was! But then daddy came home from work and didn't sing happy birthday when everyone else did. he sent all my friends home early and I never knew why.

(Scene changes to Sarah sitting on the bed looking through old pictures of ella)

Ella - Dont worry about me mummy, I'm not in pain anymore, I'm still here, I'll be your little angel

Sarah - Why did you have to take MY baby? I just want my little girl back!

Ella - I'll never forget you Mummy, you'll always be my hero

Sarah - (letting out her emotions) Why do i feel like I'm the only one thinking about you and missing you!

(Sarah looks at a picture of Ella and nick and notices they look distant, realises as long as she can remember he's never showed interest in Ella)

Sarah - Is it because I am the only one missing you?

(Nick appears behind her, watching what she is doing)

Nick - What are you doing?

By Paige

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