Monday 7 March 2011

G321 - Consent forms

Consent forms are a vital document that explains what the actors/actresses will be doing and that they will be posted on the Internet when the film is done, without them being signed and returned they will not be able to put on the Internet and therefore we cannot use them as we need to post them onto our blogs for the examiners to see.

As both of our actors are over the age of 18 they will not need the parents/guardians consent but will need to sign it themselves to say it is ok for us to post them on the Internet. Both of our actors have done this.

We are going to use the voice over of a young girl as she is not going to appear on screen she is allowed to be in it even though she is under the age of 16, we will still need a consent form signed by her parent/guardian because she doesn't meet the age criteria.

By Paige

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