Monday 7 March 2011

G321 - Script for auditions

Sarah - I just want my little girl back

Sarah - (letting out her emotions) why do I feel like I'm the only one thinking about you and missing you!

(Sarah looks at a picture of Ella and nick and notices they look distant and Nick shows no interest in Ella)

Sarah - wait a minute

This is our script for Sarah, and we have chosen this because the language is very emotional and depressing and this is what we want Sarah to be portrayed like, she needs to be despairing and grieving.
Nick – I don’t care, why should I!
She’s not even my daughter, she never was and we didn’t even  have a relationship anyway, there was no bond!
We didn’t act like father and daughter... we were...we were nothing.

This is our audition for Nick, in our actual film he only says one line so we have created this audition script which shows his angry side. We want Nick to come across very nasty and blunt and portray that he doesn't care about his daughter.

By Millie

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