Friday 18 March 2011

G321 - Problems we've had with filming

This is a list of the problems we've encountered while filming so far:

Tuesday 15th March

1. The tripod we had chosen was wonky so we had to make do with using one tripod and camera, we started with filming the back of our actors head then had to run the whole scene again moving the camera and Tripod to show the emotion on her face.

2. First time we filmed showing her face her hair covered her face so we moved the camera to a better angle and carried on from there.

3. The dynamics in the sound were very different when filming behind her and infront of her, due to the fact when we filmed showing her face the camera was closer to her, therefore made it alot louder.

4. The first few times we ran through the script we felt the actor had not shown enough emotion, we gave her some directions and this improved.

5. Getting the lighting to match up in the many different shots we used was difficult so we had to make the lighting the same in each shot by closing blinds or opening curtains etc.

6. To change shots from happy to sad we want to turn teh camera round, we found this hard as the camera didnt turn straight and kept moving up and down we overcame this by deciding we would speed up the turn so you wont be able to tell how wonky it goes.

Wednesday 16th March

7. When watching over what we had filmed in the park we foudn the wind was to strong and we couldnt hear what our actor was saying, we over came this by deciding we would delete the sound off the clip and add in a voice over of her instead so we can hear her clearly.

8. When the shot pans across to show an empty park we need to roundabout and swing to move we found this hard as they are both on the opposite sides of the park and by the time weve filmed on of them the other one has stopped moving. We overcame this by pushing the roundabout then running round to push the swing while we were filming but out of the cameras view.

9. When filming the home videos we had problems with the camera showing the videos a blue colour as this is the colour the screen on the television is before you press play. We overcame this by playing the home videos an extra 10 seconds before we record, this gives the camera time to adjust to the actual colour of the videos.

By Paige

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