Thursday 31 March 2011

G321 - Rough cut of film and feedback

Here is our first rough cut for our film, and the feedback that we got.

- Holding a shot stead, where appropriate - Proficient (Held steady all the way through apart from the pan at the birthday party)
- Framing a shot - Proficient (No changes to be made here)
- Using a variety of shot distances as appropriate - Proficient (No improvment needed)
- Selecting mise-en-scene - Proficient (Photo continuity - hold then scatter)
- Editing so that the meaning is apparent to the viewer - Excellent (Very understandable)
- Using varied shot transitions - Proficient (Some fade to black transitions aren't long enough)
- Using sound with images and editing appropriately for the task set - Excellent (Music is brilliant but doesn't fade our appropriately)
Using titles appropiratley - Incomplete (Need to add titles and institutional logos)

As this is our first rough cut we are very happy with the feedback we have got, we know we need to improve it in general and tidy bits up but from our feed back these are definete improvements we are going t make.
- We are going to cut the pan in the birthday scene because it isn't a steady shot, so this will improve to make all of our camera shots steady.
- We are going to sort out the bedroom scene where the mother is picking up the photo's because it isn't continous, one moment all the photo's are scattered on the bed and then the next moment the mother has them in her hand so we will re-arrange this so it is continous and fits.
- With our shot tranistions we are going to extend some of our fade to blacks because some of them are too short.
- With our soundtrack we need to change it so it fades out at a better time, we were thinking to have the music playing very very quietly when the dad comes him so you can hear his voice and the music.
- We also need to add our titles and our logo's to our film to make our opening complete.


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