Monday 7 March 2011

G321 - Consideration of sound (sound track + effects)

When considering sound for our opening we decided to look at other examples of music used in trailers and openings of the same genre. This was to get an idea of what types of soundtracks and sounds work to help set the mood for our film and to give off the correct impression of what we want our audience to feel. Because we are creating the opening to a drama we have decided that the type of soundtrack we are looking for would be something instrumental and emotional. This is to show that the film begins with loss and we want to set a sombre atmosphere but as the same time have a soundtrack that reflects happier times. For the type of film we are doing soundtrack is vital and is something that needs to be done right otherwise the connection to the film will be lost and the emotion we want the audience to feel will not exist.

'My sisters keeper' (2009) uses a piece of music in their trailer as well as in a scene in the film to help create the correct atmosphere. The piece of music is not depressing but is light and innocent and almost signifies loss or memories. This is something we want to try and create in our opening but we also want the music to make the audience feel catharsis and understand the emotion.

Another piece of music used in a film is from the film 'Seven Pounds' (2008). This piano sequence is used throughout the film and is a soundtrack that is used to effect the audience. It immediately makes you think and makes you feel emotion towards the scenes. This is a similar piece of music that we would want to use as we believe it would set the mood for our opening and tells a story of loss and sets a sombre atmosphere.

Other types of sound that we are considering are sound effects. Some of these sound effects Will have to be recorded separately as when filming them they may not be as loud as we intent. by putting in these diegetic sounds to define certain noises we will be adding to the effect of our opening. We will most likely have to do this for the park scene where we will need to include the sound of a swing swinging  when there is nobody in the part to show how the happiness has ended. We may also need to do this for the birthday party scene where we will include non diegetic sound of a voice over of people signing happy birthday to make the occasion more apparent.
As for non diegetic sound we will also include another voice over commentary which will be the voice of Ella. This will be recorded separately so we can add it into our scene with Sarah thinking about her daughter who has passed away. All other voices will be diegetic and will be said when filming.

As we can only use royalty free soundtracks we have decided to look at different styles of music on This gives us a wide range of different soundtracks that's we can consider for our opening. It gives us different types so we chose to stick to soundtracks and contemporary as they are the types that are most suited to what we are looking for.

Out of the other soundtracks that we listened to this is the piece that we preferred the most. This is because we believed it had the right amount of emotion behind it and has the ability to make the audience feel the emotions that we want them to. It also helps set the mood for our opening and is something that makes you think of recent loss.

By Yasmin

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