Monday 7 March 2011

G321 - Improved Shotlist

Book 2

I have made some changes to our shot list to improve it and make it better for our group and to make the filming more organised. I added some extra columns that I thought were needed, I first added a costume list. I added this because our main actor (Sarah) is going to be in more than one costume at a time so I thought that by adding a costume list we wouldn't get muddled up and would know exactly what our actor had to wear. I also then added a props list which I should of added in the initial one! We needed a props list because otherwise we would easily forget items that needed to be in our shot, so now we can make sure we have everything we need.
By making these changes I am much more happy with my groups shot list because it will now make things so much more easier when we are filming as we can check everything we need in our shot and make sure everything is to plan!

By Millie

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