Thursday 10 March 2011

G321 - Improved Story Board

Family Video's - Christmas, Holidays Birthdays.
Duration - 21 seconds
Close up of TV
Diegetic sound of the family videos
Non diegetic sound of the soundtrack starting
Titles - Film Makers Name, Main actors Names (3)

Mum Sarah show in the park (Happy)
Duration - 6 seconds
Long shot of Mother and Park
Non diegetic sound of the soundtrack
Non diegetic sound of little girls voice over
Titles - Casting Directors Name
Mum Sarah show in the park (Sad)
Duration - 5 seconds
Mid shot of Mother in the Park
Non diegetic sound of the soundtrack
Non diegetic sound of little girls voice over
Titles - Costume Designers Name
Park Empty but the swing swinging
Duration - 4 seconds
Long shot of Park
Non diegetic sound of the soundtrack
Non diegetic sound of little girls voice over
Titles - Music Directors Name
Mum Sarah shown in Kitchen setting up daugthers birthday
Duration - 7 seconds
Long shot of Mother in the kitchen
Non diegetic sound of the soundtrack
Non diegetic sound of little girls voice over
Titles - Co-Producers Name
Mum Sarah shown lighting the birthday cake
Duration - 5 seconds
Mid shot of Mother
Non diegetic sound of the soundtrack
Non diegetic sound of little girls voice over
Titles - Editors Name
Birthday ruined
Duration - 4 seconds
Long shot of the kitchen and birthday ruined
Non diegetic sound of the soundtrack
Non diegetic sound of little girls voice over
Titles - Production Designers Name
Mum looking at photo album pictures
Duration - 3 seconds
Over shoulder Shot of Mother
Non diegetic sound of the soundtrack
Non diegetic sound of little girls voice over
Titles - Executive Producers Name
Mum looking at photo album pictures
Duration - 3 seconds
Close up Shot of Mother
Non diegetic sound of the soundtrack
Non diegetic sound of little girls voice over
Titles - Executive Producers Name
Mum looking at photo album pictures smiling
Duration - 3 seconds
Over shoulder Shot of Mother
Non diegetic sound of the soundtrack
Non diegetic sound of little girls voice over
Titles - Executive Producers Name
Mum looking at photo album pictures
Duration - 3 seconds
Over shoulder Shot of Mother
Non diegetic sound of the soundtrack
Non diegetic sound of little girls voice over
Titles -  Producers Name
Mum looking at photo album pictures smiling
Duration - 3 seconds
Mid Shot of Mother
Non diegetic sound of the soundtrack
Non diegetic sound of little girls voice over
Titles - Producers name
Mum looking at photo album pictures
Duration - 3 seconds
Over shoulder Shot of Mother
Non diegetic sound of the soundtrack starting to fade 
Diegetic sound of Mothers Voice
Titles - Screen Players Name
Mum looking at photo album pictures
Duration - 3 seconds
Close up Shot of Mother (realises something isn't right)
Non diegetic sound of the soundtrack stops
Non diegetic sound of little girls voice over
Titles - Directors Name
Dad comes home from work
Duration - 5
Over shoulder Shot of Mother and Dad
Diegetic sound of Dad talking
Titles - Directors Name
Mum in a fright
Duration - 2 seconds
Close up of Mum
Non diegetic sound of a different soundtrack
Titles - Title of Film

I have Improved this Story Board from our last intial one. What I have done is re done it and added some more shots into it which I think are necessary, (before we just had over shoulder shots and now I have also added mid shots so you can also see facial expressions and emotions). It is also much clearer now as I have added the text on underneath so it is very clear. Its a lot more neater and organised so our Story Board will benifet us a lot when filming because it's a template of what we will do.

By Millie

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