Monday 7 March 2011

G321 - Initial Shotlist


This is the first shot list I created for my group. A shot list helps you when filming because it tells you what you need to have in every camera shot! It makes things much more organised and easier because you know exactly what your doing. On this shot list I have added the date and the time, because we wont be able to film our opening all together so I have spread it out so we can do certain parts on different days. I have also done the scene and the shot number so we know for sure we won't miss anything out. I have done the camera shot because that's the most important thing, so we know exactly what we are shooting and I have also done the duration of the shot because it makes things much simpler when we get to editing. I have done the description of the shot so we know what's happening in it and the location of where it will be so we know exactly where we need to go for that shot. I have also noted down on the shot list the camera equipment we need, I thought this would help us and make us organised on how many cameras or tripods we need for that shot. I have added Actors and Setting so we know who is acting when are where and what the setting will look like because it needs to look just right for our genre (Tragic Drama). Lastly I have added the titles and sound we will use and however we don't need the titles till editing it makes us more prepared for that task because we will know exactly what we are doing.

By Millie

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