Monday 7 March 2011

G321 - Auditions and Casting

We decided that we were going to audition 3 people for the role of Sarah, this is because she is the main actor in our opening so wanted to make sure we cast the right person.
Jessica Foster
Jessica performed very well for the part of Sarah. Her emotions were convincing and as you can see she has had lots of experience in acting in the past. I thought she did really well in portraying a very distraught mother, however we will not be choosing her for the part. Although the acting is all there she hasn't got the right look for the mother who will need to be played by someone who looks much older, as the mother (Sarah) is an adult however her audition was very good but unfortunately we cannot cast her.

Katie Fenelon
I thought Katie tried her hardest but really didn't suit the part of Sarah. Katie hasn't had any acting experience so she has done quite well in this audition because of that. The negatives are that you could tell she was acting and I didn't really believe in her character of a distraught mum. Also in the auditions she doesn't take stage directions very well as she found them distracting and kept having to stop when she came across and lastly she is too young for the part of Sarah as we need someone who looks like an adult. Although she tried her best we couldn't cast Katie because of her look and the acting as we need someone who puts more emotion in.
Ellie Dodwell
Ellie's audition was excellent! She gave a powerful performance with believable emotions and you really felt sympathy for her. If she was to act in our film I think she would portray Sarah in a very realistic way and the audience would feel for her character. Also I think Ellie has just the right look for Sarah, she had got a very natural pretty face which is what we need (we don't want someone covered in make-up), it makes her look quite innocent and fragile which is what we need. Her shot hair makes her look like an adult which is good because we want someone who looks the age (we don't want to use teenagers). We as a group have decided to cast Ellie as the part of Sarah, not only has she shown us she can portray Sarah in a very moving believable way she also has the exact look that we are looking for, so we are very happy with the choice of casting Ellie and Sarah in our film!

For the part of Nick we already has a clear image of who was going to play him. As it is only a minor role we did not feel as though we needed to audition as many people for him as we did for Sarah, however it was still equally as important to find someone suitable.

Jake Bain
For the part of Nick we wanted someone who was going to seem distant from his wife and not show any sympathy for her when she is at a low point. Because of this we do not feel Jake is suitable for this role as he has no experience in acting. This came across in his audition as he did not come across how we wanted Nick's character to be. Because of his lack of emotion it is difficult to picture him being Nick. However Jake does have the correct sort of image that we are after for this part as he looks older but unfortunately the acting was not up to the standards we expected and decided he wasn't suited for the role of Nick.
Olly Young
In Olly's audition for Nick our group felt he was best suited for the part. This was due to his experience in acting and his age and image.Because the two characters are adults we felt we would benefit more if the actors looked older so we felt that Olly was our best option. Because he has experience in acting it shouldn't be too difficult for him to adapt to the part of Nick as we could tell from his audition. As he looks older he is able to pull of Nicks character and play him well. After watching all the auditions for both parts we decided Olly and Ellie were perfect for the roles and we were confident that both actors would perform the two parts to a good standard and make our opening a lot more believable.
By Paige Millie Yas

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