Monday 7 March 2011

G321 - Health and Safety

we need to consider health and safety when filming our opening, This includes safety for ourselves, our actors, people around us and obviously the equipment we are using. As part of our opening we are filming in a park which is a public place so we need to think of passers by - not disrupting them in anyway or leaving equipment out for  them to trip over and leaving equipment our equipment out without anyone with it as it could be broken or even stolen. The rest of the places we are filming are inside a house so the equipment wont be at risk as much as in a public place and nor will the actors and ourselves.

When filming we also need to consider:

  • Getting permission to film in our chosen location - As we are using our own homes we do not need to get permission, this is also the case when we are filming in the park as nobody owns it.
  •  Being polite and respectful to those working in the location - When we are filming in our homes this wont be a big matter but when we are filming in the park we need to think about people walking past and wanting to use the park as we cannot disrupt their day, and if we are asked to go we move on.
  • Being aware of electical equipment - When we film our home videos we will be using the television so we need to make sure their are no drinks or other liquids near the plug sockets or the television. Also this applies to the cameras as a drink being spilt on them could be very dangerous. When we decide to have a drink we need to move as far away from the electrical equipment as possible.
  • Having spacial awareness - When we are filming in the park we need to remember not to block the pathways and not putting our equipment all over the park so theres no space for anyone else to walk or move around.
By Paige

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