Thursday 10 February 2011

G321 - Scenes of How Film Will Run

Scene One: - short clips of family videos of them on holiday, first day of school, christmas etc. with titles over the top of them and mum in the background talking to the daughter in a loving way. Slow/Sad instrumental music playing over the top. Fades out into scene two.
Scene Two:- Clips of a busy park with lots of children playing happily with young girl talking over the top saying how happy she was in the park that day, camera spins around and reveals an empty park with a swing swinging on its own, young girl saying how her dad ruined that day. Clips of a party with balloons and food girl saying how excited she was that her mum had organised a birthday party and made a cake, camera zooms out and shows noone there talks how her dad ruined that day and sent everyone home. (Clip of mum on computer booking tickets to disney land getting excited with the girls young girl talks over the top about how excited they were camera spins around to show computer switched off and girl says how her dad ruined another day.
Scene Three:- Over shoulder shot of mum looking at happy pictures of her daughter with the mum crying about missing her daughter and her being taken away so early young girl replys over the top saying how her mum is her hero. Extreme close up of tear on mums face falling slowly. Mum comes across a picture of the dad and the young girl, picture shows dad not interested in the girl at all. Zooms in on mums face as she comes to realisation that somethings not right with the daughter and fathers relationship. Reveal shot of dad standing behind the mum asking what she is doing.
--------------------------- end of opening---------------------------------
Scene Four:- Mums brushes away her tears puts pictures back in the box stands up tryig nto act normal saying she is ok. Dad keeps pressuring the mum to tell him why she is crying, Mum feeling scared after the realisation that the dad may have had soemthing to do with his daughters death. Mum says she is going to bed.
Scene Five:-  This scene shows the next day and how life doesnt flow well without ella (the daughter who had died)
Scene Six:- mums quiet all the time and feels as if there is no one that understands her, getting more distant from the father.
Scene Seven:- Nick (the father) sneaks off alot while Sarah (the mother) is left wondering what is going on trying to tie everything up.
Scene Eight:- Nick comes home late one night Sarah and Nick argue about it while children are on stairs listening to what is happening getting upset.
Scene Nine:- Nick goes to work next mum packs the childrens stuff up and puts them in a car and drives away leaving a note for Nick when he gets home saying she has left.
Scene Ten:- Nick comes home reads the note and seems like he doesnt care for the next couple of days he gets on with his life going to work without his family.
Scene Eleven:- finds a picture down the side of the cabinet walks into the ellas old room and sees everything is empty and breaks down.
Scene Twelve:- Nick goes out for a walk holding a picture of ella and begins talking to her up in the sky saying despite everything her mother done he still loved her and wishes she was back so he could change things - this leaves the audience feeling confused to what the mother has done.
Scene Thirteen:- Shows sarah and the children at her mums and dads trying to make the children happy but the children are down and missing there dad, Sarah misses him too but does not cave in as she believes he pushed ella away and was the reason she died.
Scene Fourteen:- Split screen of both Nick and Sarah looking up in sky talking to ella in unison gettign emotional.
Scene Fifteen:-Sarah pops home while Nick was at work to collect some things and starts looking through the pictures somemore still trying to work out why Nick and Ella Wernt Close. She spots some doctors documents saying test results and immediately jumps to conclussions thinking Nick is unwell.
Scene Sixteen:- nick tracks down where they are staying and tries to take the kids from teh back garden to take them home without sarah seeing.
Scene Seventeen:- Sarah goes to the garden sees the mall piling in the car and runs over to it to try and stop it Nick gets out and they both have a massive argument about the whole situation, talk turns to Ella and Sarah screams at Nick crying saying he was the reason she was taken away from him, blaming him for everything he then replies saying he had results done ages ago cause he had suspicions she wasnt his daughter and they were positive - he wasnt the father.
Scene Eighteen:- Flashback to the night when ella was concieved reminding Sarah he wasnt the father.
Scene Nineteen:- They both sit in the curb of the road Sarah crying, Nick comforting her and Sarah Apologising, Nick saying thats why he was distant all the years whenever he looked at her he had reminders that she wasnt his and hated it cause he wanted her to be his but couldnt get used to the fact she wasnt, he never said anything to Sarah cause he loved her so much he didnt like any thought of losing her. They pack all their stuff up all get in the car and go home.
Scene Twenty:- 6 months on the whole family getting on well, replacing all the years of fun they missed out.
Scene Twentyone:- Whole family by Ellas grave sweeping it, planting flowers making it look nice, as the day turns to night the parents walk into the dark holding hands and being to talk to Ella Happy.
Scene Twentytwo:- Shot of the car driving away into the darkness, camera watches it go then turns to the stars and Ella speaks about how she loved him as a dad but now life can go on without her.
By Paige

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