Monday 14 February 2011

G321 - Mise en scene

Considering Mise en scene for our film opening is a vital part of creating our opening. It is not only the characters that are important but also everything else in the scene which creates the correct atmosphere for our piece that represents our genre correctly. When thinking about mise en scene we have to consider clothing, props, lighting and setting which are all things that put across our opening in the way that we intend.

Scene one - (Images of family memories in old videos on different occasions and celebrations)
Setting - the television is based in the family home where Sarah is watching it, replaying the videos. The clips are set in different places as they show the family celebrating birthdays, Christmas and other happy memories but are mostly set in their house.
Clothing - No characters are seen in this scene apart from the ones in the videos who will be dressed casually.
Lighting - some of the footage will be outside so the lighting will be naturalistic where as some will be indoors where the light is more dimmed on birthdays where the cake is bought in or light as its early in the morning on Christmas.
Props - typical props you would see in a family home. Furniture, family photos in background, toys that the children play with etc.

Scene two - (Park scene that shows footage of Sarah having fun, insinuating that Ella is there with her and  shows parts of the park where they once had fun)
Setting - Out doors in their local park
Clothing - Sarah will be wearing casual clothing as she is seen running around and being care free so wearing clothing that is more comfortable shows her fun side and how she is not afraid to let herself go.
Lighting - Naturalistic lighting as it is set outside
Props- swings, slide, monkey bars and other park features 

Scene three - (Birthday party scene where Ella celebrates her 6th birthday with family and friends)
Setting - In the family's house in the lounge where they are all in celebrating Ella's birthday
Clothing - Adults are wearing more smart clothing and party wear but still quite relaxed. When nick later enters her is wearing his work suit but his tie is undone showing how he is restless and had a hard day
Lighting - dimmed lighting as Sarah enteres with the cake and friends and family sing happy birthday
Props - Birthday cake that is later shown with candles blown out, banners that are later shown pulled down once the party ends and other party accessories like presents and cards around the decorated room

Scene four - (Sarah is in Ella's bedroom looking through pictures of her and getting emotional by looking at them)
Setting - in the family home in Ella's bedroom. The bedroom has clearly not be touched since she died and the beds are perfectly made and no toys are out of place. The room is very innocent looking and how a typical young girls bedroom would look like.
Clothing - Sarah wears casual clothing and looks quite scruffy. This shows how she has let herself go a bit and hasn't taken much care in her appearance that day as she is feeling down. When Nicks makes his appearance he is yet again wearing his work suit which shows that he is always there instead of comforting his wife.
lighting - Quite light in this room with light entering through the windows which brighten up the already light room.
Props - Typical toys and pieces of furniture that would be in a young girls room. Soft toys surrounding Sarah on the bed and delicate children's toys all around the room. 

By Yas

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