Monday 28 February 2011

G321 - Notes and images of clothing

Sarah's clothing throughout the four scenes will change as they are set in different times and in each time she is in different locations. For the first scene she will be wearing outdoors clothing as she is in the park. The clothing for this scene must be practical and comfortable and typical clothes for a young mum. As she is outside she will most likely be wearing a coat and shoes that are suitable for running around with and playing with her daughter so they will most likely be flat boots.
For the birthday party scene her style of clothing will change to being more formal. She will not be overly dressed up but she will make an effort. The difference in clothing for this scene will be that she will wear jewellery as before jewellery would not have been suitable for the environment she is in.
For the final scene where Sarah is grieving over Ella she will be shown in a low state. We want her to come across as if she has not made any effort at all and show the difference between what she was like when Ella was alive. She used took pride in her appearance and wore clothes that a woman her age would typically wear but we want to show how in the present she has no desire for making the effort and would rather just be in comfort. We want it to come across as though she has not bothered to change and just wants to remain in comfort in her daughters bedroom.

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