Tuesday 8 February 2011

G321 - Notes and Ideas on Audiences

Genre:- Drama
1. How are other films in your chosen genre certified? what are the top ten films in your chosen genre certified as? - 127 hours - 15, Black Swan - 15, Love and other drugs - 15, True grit - 15, The Social Network - 12A. 1.The Shawshank Redemption - 15, 2.The Godfather - 15, 3.Outrageous Class -   4.The Godfather 2 - 15 5. Pulp Fiction - 18, 6.12 Angry men - U, 7.Schindlers List - 15, 8.One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest - 18, 9.Seven Samurai - PG, 10.Fightclub - 18.

2. Who does your genre target? Our genre, drama, mostly targets group A and B audience. Also this genre is not suitable for young children, older teenagers and bove this is due to the plot of the film usually being hard hitting.

3. What demographic groups are you going to target? We are going to target groups A and B. This is because drama's normally target them and we want to make our film as close to the genre as we can.

4. What audience theories may you apply to your film and its genre? The hypodermic needle throry relates to this genre as the plots in dramas are real to life, and people could think this could happen to them.

5. What hobbies might your audiences member have? The hobbies that the audience have are varied as everyone loves a genre film might they do sports, music, science, maths etc.

6. What rating would your film get in the uk? Between 12 and 15 - we will decide after we have analysed the properties our films have and what they dont and match them to the age rating criteria.

7. What other media works does this audience consume regularly? This audience watches television - historical dramas, cooking programs, factual programs (more interlectual shows), radio stations - bbc, Musical Artists - they do not tend to listen to rap.

8. What comparable media works does your average audience member like/dislike?  The average audience member likes most media works as they have a broad mind but dont like media that

9. What comparable films has your average audience member seen? My sisters keeper, The godfather, Gone with the wind, Forest gump, The rain maker, My girl, Shawshank Redemption.

10. Where would your average audience member shop for clothes? River Island, Next and Debenhams.

11. In what magazines and on what websites would you advertise your film? up market films that class A and B people read, newspapers, horse racing brochures, more expensive magazines like OK etc.

12. At screenings for which films (in cinemas now) would you show your film's trailer? Black Swan, A little bit of heaven and 127 Hours.  

By Paige

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