Monday 14 February 2011

G321 - Considering Locations of Filming

For our opening film we want to create places young children go and have fun doing, this is to create a fun atmosphere, we want to make the fun places look dark and sad after we have shown them being happy.

First of all we want to use a park as the little girl loved going to the park.

Our idea is to show everyone happy happy fun in the park then the camera turning and the swing swinging on its own - deserted.

Another place we want to use for our film is a lounge, with banners and balloons decorating it to create a birthday party.

Our idea is to show the mum making an effort for the little goes birthday by making a party for her in her house.

Another idea we want to use is a study in a house with a computer.

Our idea is to have the the mum and children sitting in there looking at the computer screen to book a holiday.

Another idea we want to use is a master bedroom for the mum to sit there and reminisce.

Our idea is for the mum to be sitting in here all comfy looking through pictures of her daughter.

By Paige

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