Wednesday 9 February 2011

G321 - Target audience profile

Our film is a tragic drama aimed at Brits who have an interesting in realistic emotional situations. It is most likely to appeal to those from group A right through to E audience, this is because you don't have to be educated to understand our film, you just have to know about tough situations which happen to people in everyday life so a category person A and a category person E may be in the same situation (example. family loss) so our film is very open to demographic groupings. Also this genre is not suitable for young children, this is due to the plot of the film usually being hard hitting. To enjoy our film you must be interested in the realistic tragic stories which happen in everyday life, you must be prepared to see emotional tough hard hitting story lines and to see that life isn't perfect as everyone has problems. We are aiming our film mostly at Women and this is because this gender prefers emotional type films compared to males who like there action packed films. The audience theory our film would be is "The Reception Theory", this is because as our genre is a tragic drama it is real to life so people can put themselves in that situation or can think back to when they were in a similar or the same situation so they can relate to the film. By looking at these existing films we have noticed that most Tragic Drama films have a certificate age of 12, when we create our film we would like it to have a certificate age of 12 this is because most of the films out there are a 12 so we think it would be most suited to what we want to create. Also it will be a 12 because although it will not have any sexual scenes or bad language it will however contain a hard hitting storyline which would not be suitable for a child.

By Millie

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