Sunday 6 February 2011

G321 - Re-makes of films

We were given the task to do 3 re-makes of film openings, they each had a different genre, Horror, Thriller & Comedy.
Our Group did Vertigo, Strangers and 50 first dates, the reason we are doing these film re-makes is to prepare us for when we do our own film opening.
By doing these re-makes we will have to plan by doing a story board and shot list, we will then have to film our opening and lastly edit it, when we come to doing our actual film opening we will know how to plan, how to film and how to edit.
If we make mistakes during this task we can learn from it when we come to our actual making of our film openings, also we will know what our group works well at and what we need to improve on (We might be really good at doing storyboards and filming but may need to improve on how to do a shot list and edit) It makes us 100% more prepared for the real thing.
We are doing these re-makes of films to benefit us, when we come to doing our final film openings we will know exactly what we are in for and what to do, its not going to be all new for us and also we can improve a lot as well with the planning, filming and editing.

Our Storyboards and Shot lists

50 first dates

shot list



Our Re-makes
50 first dates



Our task was to create three different film opening that came under three different types of genre. These genres were comedy, horror and thriller. Our group who included Yas, Millie and Paige all decided we would benefit from re-creating 50 first dates, the strangers and vertigo. We set out aims for us as a group and wanted to make sure we used our time efficiently and divided up the amount of work to ensure each of us had a fair share of work to do so we all had the chance to use equipment and get used to creating an opening

As soon as we finished creating our shot lists and storyboards we got straight on with filming as we did not want to waste any time and wanted to make sure we got on with it and did not get behind. I think because we were so determined to finish them as soon as we could but also make them of a good quality helped up to reach our aim as we worked effectively throughout the whole task. We managed to film each one in the space of an hour each but with The Strangers we managed to do in half an hour. I think we managed our time well and most of this was due to the fact that we believe that we work well together and all knew what we had to get on with which saved us a lot of time. Being able to work well together and combining ideas to come up with unique ways to re-create our openings was a major part that helped in us creating our films in time and also making the ideas creative and original. I think if we didn’t work as well as a group our openings would have not turned out how they did as we all shared ideas and listened to what everyone had to say and combined those ideas to come up with a definite decision and put that into our openings.

Any problems that occurred when filming were mostly due to not being able to find the correct setting for our type of scene. It was sometimes difficult to match to was seen in the original opening as trying to make it as similar as possible became very difficult seeing as we were restricted to only film on school grounds. However I do think we worked around this and managed to make it work as well as we could and were imaginative when it came to thinking of ideas of how to re-create certain parts.

Overall I think we worked really well together and this showed through how we completed our films in good timing. This then gave us enough time to do our editing. I think we found the editing more difficult than the filming itself as it was difficult to try and find similar sound effects to the ones used in the original opening. Once we got the hang of using iMovie it became easier to use and make it look better. The three film opening we used all included a transition of some sort and with vertigo in particular we had to change the color of the whole opening as we wanted to be as close to the original as possible. Even though this took longer to do I think it defiantly paid off in the end as it make all three films look as similar as they could in the time we were given.

If we were to go back and start filming these again I don’t think there would be anything major that we would want to change as we were all proud of what we had created and do not feel there were any problems that we faced that we could not work around. We obviously had a few, small problems during both filming and editing as for some parts of the openings we found more difficult and challenging than expected and some took longer than what we thought but I think we still managed to overcome this and realised it was not going to be easy but we didn’t want it to be easy as we wanted to be prepared for making our actual film opening. I think working together on this task confirmed the fact that we are happy working as a group and we feel that when moving onto filming our opening we are confident that we will continue to work well together.

By Millie, Yas and Paige

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