Tuesday, 26 April 2011

G231 - Evaluation Question 7

Paige's Q7

G321 - Evaluation Question 6

G321 - Evaluation Question 5

G321 - Evaluation Question 4

G321 - Evaluation Question 3

G321 - Evaluation Question 2

Question 2: Gender, Age and Sexuality

G321 - Evaluation Question 1

G321 - Final cut of film

G321 - 2nd Rough cut


We showed our film to year 11s (aged 15-16) who looked at our film as our target audience and then we showed it to year 13 media class (17-18) , who looked at our film as a media eye but could still be our target audience.

Year 11 - They said the voice of the little girl pulls you in and some even said they got cold shivers as the voice is quite chilling. They loved the use of the memories at the start because you automatically feel connected to that character. Out of a class of 28, 20 of them said they would watch our film (however the people that said they wouldn't watch it were teenage boys and was not in our target audience).
They did have some bad points, they thought the titles showed up to quickly and at the birthday scene the music jolts. Also they said Ellie's voice is louder in the bedroom scene and the voice over cuts out. We have looked at these improvements and have applied them to our final cut of our film.

Year 13 - They were more constructive while watching our film, they had issues understanding there storyline, they said there was a start and an end but you don't see whats going on. But our film is just the opening (your not going to see everything that happens in our film in the first two minutes) and also if we were to make the whole of our film, you would see the storyline and what happens.
